Once I got the install going it took only about 10 minutes for the software to install and the machine was back up and running. It took longer for me to restore my backups for my profile, the FTP profile and my daughter's profile on this machine than to install the software.
I modified a few things from the default install:
- Changed the sound from the Intel option (ALSA) to the OSS version. It seems to skip a bit less.
- GPROFTPD installed so I can run the ftp server.
- GAIM. I prefer this IM client.
- SCRIBUS. We are playing with this as a replacement for MS Publisher which is running on a partition on the wife's machine.
- JPilot. I prefer this over the KDE, personal preference and it is a simple clean interface for me.
- Games. Installed a large chunk of the games as I will be sharing my machine with my daughter. She has her own machine, but, it is in her room and we will not allow her unsupervised net access so she has an id set up in the office and we can watch her while working.
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